RogueJack’s 21st Update-a-Versary Released


World’s Most Downloaded (probably) Blackjack & Dungeon Crawler Hybrid Gets Its 20th Update Since Launch

BOISE, ID—Monday September 14th, 2020. The Apple™ App Store™ Game of the Day, RogueJack by Ponywolf, where players delve into countless old school dungeons and play Blackjack to the death with a variety of creatures, received its 21st update since it launched in February of this year. Notable features include Gamepad support on both Desktop and Mobile versions, a new rapid play control scheme and countless of other additions recommended by the very vocal community of players who constantly reminded us “it’s been a while” and “they haven't seen anything new” from this “cheap, piece of garbage” game. 

Clocking in at $4.99 on Windows and MacOS via Steam™  and truly free to play* on Mobile with a single $1.99 in app purchase, they have one thing right. When players weren’t asked their opinion on its visual appeal, many responded with “oldskool” and “trash can emoji.” This lavish praise plus gameplay described as “perfect,” “way too easy” and “2 hard u suk” has earned it a 4.6 star global rating on iOS, 4.3 stars on Android and the coveted “Mostly Positive” moniker on Steam.

We talked to Ponywolf’s Founder and the designer/developer of RogueJack, Michael Wilson, but he was completely uninteresting. So instead we made up this quote that we will attribute to him instead:

“Making games is so easy! Java, java, physics, typing, mouse, mouse, mouse and BAM—you’re finished! Most of my day is spent eating gummy bears and watching HGTV.” 

—Michael Wilson, Founder of Ponywolf

Fascinating. He also mentioned something about a Steam week long deal, but we started to zone out. 



* Seriously, ads are opt in only, never watch an ad if you don’t wanna. No timers, gems, hats or whatever. Our kids will starve, but that’s not your problem, it’s theirs.