PonywolF // Games for Brands
Who we are
Ponywolf builds custom game properties for brand advertisers. We tackle the key issues that have plagued Advergaming in the past—providing quality engagement with scale for advertisers and free entertainment for consumers.
Game development is a long process. Most advertisers can barely look into next week, let alone 12 to 18 months down the line. Ponywolf brings working prototypes of games in progress to brand leaders to get your product or service front and center in the game design. This isn’t interruptive advertising, it integrated placement on the platforms your consumers love—like iPhone, iPad, Desktop and Console.
Why Advergames?
With the growth of the Internet, advergames have proliferated, often becoming the most visited aspect of brand websites and becoming an integrated part of brand media planning in an increasingly fractured media environment. Advergames promote repeated traffic to websites and reinforce brands.
Advergames are a perfect outlet where brands can successfully entice consumers to participate with their brands. Large advertisers currently hire large digital advertising agencies to create advergaming products. These agencies are typically ill equipped to create custom games in the time and budget allocated.
Ponywolf was built from the ground up to develop game content quickly and bring entertainment products to market for budgets much less than traditional advertising execution.
Beyond badges and progress bars, award winning game developer Michael Wilson lectures on the basics of game design and structure while applying those principles to modern digital design.
Our Clients
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